May 5, 2011

Nails of the Day: Essie Van D'Go & OPI Shatter

Okay, this is actually last weeks nails, but when I had them like this I was in exams and didn't have time to make a blog post about them. 

I had been wearing Essie's Van D'Go for a while when it started chipping. Instead of removing it and using an other colour (which I didn't have time to do) I decided to go ahead and try my shatter polish. so here it is:

 I think the shatter is fun because once you get tired of your nails you can easily apply it and it makes them fun an different. On my other hand, one of my nails didn't shatter properly. It ended up being streaky vertical lines on my nails. Maybe I applied too little of the product? I wish I'd taken a picture of it.

I also got a lot of compliments from people about my nails. People think I made them myself, and when I try to explain that no, the nail polish does it on their own, they don't even believe me. My mom even got pissed at me because "it must have taken hours for you to do that, and you whine about not having enough time to study". It's just too simple to be true, right?

This is what Essie's Van D'Go looks like without the crackle on top. As I previously said, it was chipped so don't mind the picture. If you want to read a full post dedicated to this amazing colour click here!!!


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