Mar 28, 2011

Nails of The Day: China Glaze's First Mate & Joe's Matte Top Coat

China Glaze's beautiful creme blue in First Mate from their Anchors Away collection. Over top, I applied the Joe Matte Top Coat to eliminate the shine and make it unique (about $4, totally worth it). Try it out, it is amazing!!
Keep reading to see all the steps I took!

 First, I applied a base coat. I always apply a base coat so my nails can stay healthy and so my nails do not turn yellow since I always wear nail polish.
Next, I applied one coat of First Mate by China Glaze. It is very opaque so there is no need to apply a second coat unless you like applying very thin coats. Let it dry.

 I applied my matte top coat by Joe. To show you the difference I only applied it on 3 of my fingers. (I noticed that the previous picture and this one look like different blues. The picture above is truest to the colour "First Mate", I took a gazillion pictures and just couldn't get it! The matte nails look true to their colour.)

 When you apply the matte polish, at first it will look like a regular top coat. Don't panic, as it dries you will slowly see your nail polish become matte. This process will go on until your nail is completely dry. I find this matte top coat dries faster than my O.P.I or Seche Vite. Also, there is no point of putting more than one coat of this product, it will not become any more matte than it is.
Here is the final product:

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